Spring It On!


It’s SPRING!!  Dear God, I hope I didn’t just jinx us.  This winter has lasted longer than any winter should last.  For the record, I think Disney is behind it all.  You know, a marketing ploy for their smash hit “Frozen”.  Perhaps I should just “Let It Go”.  I’ve grown fond of this little blog, and everybody who’s anybody knows full well to never ever ever say anything that could be interpreted as criticism about Disney or Oprah.  They have the power to bury me so deep it could make finding Hoffa look like a “Where’s Waldo” puzzle.  So, Disney Gods:  I love Disney.  I love the movie Frozen .  I just watched it for the 1,200,945,200,115,935,201st time a few hours ago.  If you want to make it snow everyday until we all go out and look for Elsa, by all means, I will welcome it.

What was I talking about?  Oh yeah. Spring.

I’ve been out and about, enjoying the spring weather, so I haven’t really created anything new.  I did include one recipe on this post; Lemon Custard Pie.  Yummy! I didn’t do a step-by-step post like I usually do, but the recipe is pretty easy, so no worries there.  I have been trying my hand at decorating easy-to-make things, like cupcakes, pies, etc.  Nothing too earth shattering, but they are cute.  And easy.  I love easy.  Have I mentioned they are easy?  The pictures of my decorated cupcakes and whatnot are also here.  Feel free to copy whatever you like.  I’m too busy outside playing to notice anyway.

So without further delay, bring out the Spring!

1 A Spring


3 Peeps Cupcakes

4 Chick

2.2 How To Bunny

1 Lemon Custard Pie


Lemon Custard Pie Recipe



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